A friend watched our furbaby for us, something she had swore she
would never do again after he whined the whole time we were at the Magic
Kingdom on that one day birthday trip. For some reason she had let us shnooker
her into watching the spoiled rotten dog for not only one day, but for three
this time! We appreciate her so much for putting up with him for this long, I
know how big of a pain in the butt he can be. Our tickets were paid for, the
bags were packed and we were going the night before to prevent some of the
exhaustion after driving 3 hrs. The last trip we took to Disney we by passed
the hotel due to monies (or lack there of) and drove down and back in one day;
this made for an exhausting day. We played the tourist role well and got the
room for the three nights we would need it. I did however save a ton on dinner
one of these nights by packing the crockpot, roast, and all the fixings. You
just can't beat the frugal out of me!
We had to make it through Dr. Seuss’s
crazy and comical world, this was pure nostalgia for me. Dr. Seuss books were
my favorites growing up. As a family we had decided to save the water soaking
rides for the last day here, we didn’t want to walk around drenched for hours
afterward, plus it would be warmer on the third day. Our plan was to take the
most direct route to Diagon Alley.
It just so happened that we had a few rides between us and the wizarding world of Harry Potter, the excitement was building like crazy and all we were hearing was “How much longer?”, “When will we be there?”. I’m thankful there were these other rides to distract and take the lil one’s mind off of the main reason we had come to this particular amusement park.
It just so happened that we had a few rides between us and the wizarding world of Harry Potter, the excitement was building like crazy and all we were hearing was “How much longer?”, “When will we be there?”. I’m thankful there were these other rides to distract and take the lil one’s mind off of the main reason we had come to this particular amusement park.

one of the shows that made the lil one's eyes twinkle |
the sorting hat on the way to fly with Harry around the castle grounds. |
A wand was something every wizard needed;
a stop in Olivander’s was needed for this. They put on a small show before you
went into the shop to have a wand choose you. The even had a caged Book of
Monsters for us to enjoy, the lil one jumped as it growled and lunged at us.
After trying the flick and swish technique with several wands the most perfect
wand chose the lil one as its new owner. This was turning out to be a very good
day, it helped that with the new job we had thrown caution to the wind on money
and were enjoying a real vacation.
After another ride through the
castle and lunch at the Three Broomsticks we were ready to enjoy the rest that
Islands of Adventure had to offer. We rode through the dinosaurs of Jurassic
Park, flying through the air riding a Pteranadon, moseyed through the gift shops; plus one more
ride through the castle with Harry Potter. I took as many pictures as I
possibly could; if it was there to take a picture with, we took one, or two, or
three with it.
We knew as the sun started setting
that it was time for one last ride on the way to the gate. We ended up climbing
our way through a rope jungle. It just so happened to offer a perfect photo op
on one of the rope bridges. I enjoyed just being able to stand still, take a
breath, and enjoy the sunset. This seemed to be the first time I had been still
all day long. After a short car ride to the room, there were only a few floors
that separated us from being able to sit down and kick our feet up. When we
opened the door we were welcomed with the smell of pot roast, cooked perfectly
all day in the crockpot. I was one happy momma to not have to worry about
dinner after this exhausting day. We pulled the curtains, cut the TV off and
dreamed of what tomorrow would bring.
Until next time…..
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