We were blessed just to have made it this far. Our original
plans were to head North to North Dakota and the hubby work on the oil rigs;
but after talking to the friends in Kansas, we decided to head south and help
her out instead. To have made it that many more miles than planned was an
absolute blessing after the hubby not getting all he was owed off the previous
job. When life hands you lemons, you make lemonade. We parked and stayed at
their house in the middle of nowhere Kansas. The nearest gas station was 30
minutes away so we had to start planning ahead and keeping the tanks full. It
was a whopping 45 minutes to the nearest town with a grocery store.
We enjoyed some
more fishing and paddling around in their paddleboat on the lake in their
backyard. It was a miserably hot July here in the plains, our poor window A/C
couldn’t keep up. Our rooftop hadn’t worked since we bought this particular
rig. There was immense heat pressing on you as soon as you walked out of the
shade, making you want to high tail it back for the cover of the shade.
The hubby began
work on their house. Almost halfway thru the job there was an altercation
between us and the home owner. Needless to say that with our house on wheels it
didn’t take long for us to pack it up and get out of the increasingly bad
situation. This is another one of the plusses to fulltiming; if you don’t like
your neighbors, you can move.
We quickly got
online looking for work as our rent was only paid for a few more days here. I
got lucky and we got our first camp host jobs just down the road in Wichita.
This would open a whole new chapter for us, not to mention keeping our heads
above the water. It was time to pack and move on a very cold January day, just
a short hop and skip down the road.
Until next time…..
The greatest step towards a life of simplicity is to learn to let go. ~ Steve Maraboli
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