Friday, May 9, 2014

Time Away from the Hubby

About a week before leaving Memphis I had called Pecan Park, the old park we were in previously in Jacksonville, and made reservations. I was very site specific as we still had friends living there that knew our personalities well enough to help us select a site. Our arrival date had changed by one day and I called to make sure this would be okay and confirmed our site with them again. I had done everything needed to be done to ensure we knew where we were going within the park in case of a late/early arrival. There is nothing worse than driving for 20 hours, spending 2 hours setting up, only to find out you have to go thru the process all over again and move to different site.. if you’ve followed us this far, you know how good our luck can be but also how bad it can be. You guessed it, when we went to pay in the office after arriving early and setting up, they informed us the site had been reserved and paid for the previous week; we would have to move. If only I hadn’t listened to the girl in the office upon making the reservations, she assured me the site would be available without my paying for it before hand.
Glad to be back at the beach
     These ladies in the office made my blood boil at this moment. I was running on empty and now these people, whom I had talked to twice about this specific site, were telling us we had to move to another site. Apparently she has never lived or camped in a fifth wheel with the way she was telling us that it was ‘ONLY’ one site over, telling us it shouldn’t be too hard to move it over just one site. I quickly informed her that if we loaded the rig back onto the truck that we could damn well move it anywhere, including to another RV park. They got lucky that day in them being the only one that wasn’t a 55+ only park and close to Jax, FL. The one north of Jax didn’t have ½ of the amenities, we really had no choice but to push ourselves for a few more hours and move the rig.
     Almost as soon as we got settled the hubby had to go out of town to work in South Carolina. This was only to be a short job; until he got there. As it happens in the construction field, this job lasted longer than originally planned. The lil one and I planned a trip to see him and spend a weekend with him. I planned and cooked extra meals to freeze in individual servings if only to bring him a piece of home to him while he is away.
The hotel he was in happened to be next to a Celebration Station, this helped with keeping the lil one occupied. We spent an afternoon riding go-karts, water boats and playing video games for tickets. These three days went way too quickly, knowing that he was going to have home cooked meals in the weeks to come made leaving a little easier.
     It wouldn’t be long and all of us would be back together, I was already missing my oldest; he moved out as soon as we hit town. With Halloween just around the corner I had plenty to keep my mind busy, the lil one was going as our very own Hermione Granger this year. Of course this meant trips to the thrift stores and some crafting by me. Amazingly we walked down the aisle in one of my favorite stores and hanging there waiting just for us was the Gryffindor robe. Soon we had found a dress to chop and altar into the skirt, a new white shirt and shoes to match; the only thing left was to make the beaded handbag.
the beaded handbag we crafted
     The lil one demanded to have curly hair just like Hermione’s, this was another trip to the thrift store for a curling iron. This made the most drastic change in appearances I have seen in a while. With the hubby still out of town we were left to celebrate this holiday almost alone. Thankfully we were in Jacksonvile where we knew people, I quickly found someone to trick or treat with us. With flashlights, trick or treat bags and good conversation, we were off to cast spells on any unlucky bystander who happened into our path. The candy bags were overflowing after this haunting night.
Happy Halloween!
     We also visited one of the parking lot carnivals while here, these seem to be everywhere in the fall down here. The lil one is getting big enough to ride some of the rides alone, this gave my friend and I time to talk with no interruptions. We all tossed quarters on the colored squares, betting that the mouse would run into our color to win a prize. The lil one learned here that if you gamble you had might as well be throwing your money out the window, a good lesson if you ask me.
     It wasn’t long before the hubby was home again. His first words in the door was “I’ve got good news and I’ve got bad news”. The experience of living with him for almost ten years now has taught me that these few words can be life changing when he speaks them. I held my breathe as I asked what the ‘good’ news was. It ended up his being offered a position with the company, the bad was that the next job was in Virginia. There was no question on if we were taking the rig or not. After being without him for the last 5 weeks, him having to live in a hotel room; there was no question in us making this trip with him. It also only took us a few hours to decide that if we could make it happen, we would celebrate the lil one’s birthday trip this year (a little early) as Universal Studios before heading north. Soon we were on the phones working out the details and packing our bags for a three day fun filled trip to Orlando, FL.

Until next time….

Where thou art — that — is Home. ~Emily Dickinson

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